Empowering Leaders Through Change: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

Change feels like more than just a given these days. Rather like a challenge. A necessity. A strangely bittersweet addition to our morning coffee. Driven by and to change all my life, today I coach others to navigate it with intention. Here I share some details about my journey and my approach.

I know something about chaos and change. I was thrown into a world without a framework—orphaned at the age of 7 when my mother died and for all practical purposes by my father a year later, thankfully taken in by various family members after that.

The dice were thrown. I had learned to thrive no matter what. And I was fascinated by getting things done on my own terms. By the time I was a young teen, I knew I could define my future with decisions and determination—what else was there?

I went to France. Then I stayed. I became a chef and founded a catering business. I translated books. I started another business. I went into publishing. I worked for international companies in communications. I learned tango and went to Argentina. I started my own publishing house. I founded a consultancy. I became a black belt and won the French national championship in Vietnamese martial arts—at the age of 50. All through decision and determination. Because I could.

So, yes, I've experienced a lot of change in my life. And now, I put those experiences to use coaching mid- to late-career professionals so they can navigate uncertainty with confidence and change with intention.

A Taste of My Journey

Several years ago, I wrote a short cookbook in French called Douceurs musclées (roughly, "Powerhouse Desserts"). One recipe stands out in my memory: a chocolate ice cream with chili pepper—bittersweet at first, then abruptly spicy. This dessert embodies my approach to life and coaching: embracing the full spectrum of experiences, creating a geometry of tastes that fills all corners of the palate.

Like that ice cream, I'm not subtle. No, I'm quite present. My coaching style is direct, challenging, and multi-layered.

From Personal Loss to Professional Calling

Losing both my parents so early taught me early that life isn't all sweet. I learned that true richness comes from embracing the full palette of experiences—sweetness becomes truly interesting thanks to bitterness, lightness thanks to heaviness.

This insight led me to an exploration, a curiosity for everything that leads to wellbeing and thriving, from personal development to traditional practices, technology, and neuroscience. I became obsessed with expanding human potential, spending thousands of hours understanding and experimenting with ways to enhance wellbeing and performance.

The Power of Deep Conversations

I discovered coaching accidentally while exploring biohacking. Quickly, I recognized its transformative power—how deep strategic conversations can reveal our true selves and contributions to the world, a fabulous tool to effect change. After extensive training and nearly 2,000 hours of client work, I've developed a coaching approach that's both challenging and joyful, aimed at building a more positive future one leader at a time.

What Sets My Coaching Apart

  • Holistic Approach. I draw from diverse fields to offer a comprehensive perspective. Having intentional impact is not about drinking more coffee, or doing another wellness program. It’s not about time management or digital detoxes. It’s about optimizing our entire ecosystem to create the conditions for the best version of ourselves to emerge—every day.

  • Straightforward and to the point. There are only so many three-hour workshops and online programs a person can follow. We’ll cut to the chase and quickly figure out what you need to do next to have the most impact. And I’ll challenge you to do it.

  • Change Management Expertise. I specialize in helping leaders navigate transitions and uncertainty—those times when you have to pivot. We cover pragmatic, down-to-earth strategies and step-by-step approaches to build personal and collective resilience.

  • Focus on Spreading Empowered Optimism. Finding balance is an ongoing process that stems from flexible systems and a whole-person approach. We need to stop living in pieces. It’s time to connect to optimism. To dare to be whole. It starts with us, and then it’s about how we connect to the world around us. What meaning do we bring to our life?

How My Coaching Benefits Leaders

Working with me, you can expect to:

  • Gain clarity on your vision and values and how you express them

  • Develop strategies to navigate complex changes confidently

  • Enhance decision-making skills in high-pressure situations

  • Achieve a better work-life integration

  • Zero in your time, energy and focus to have intentional impact

  • Improve your ability to inspire and lead teams through transitions

Client Success Story

I received this email not so long ago from a client: "I would like to express my deep gratitude. Thanks to your guidance, I have just achieved what would have seemed like an impossible feat to me just two years ago: rising to a general management position! A new chapter in my professional career is opening. I am delighted with this accomplishment." This particular client's journey started with work-life balance before we clarified her vision and got down to work making it happen.

My Coaching Philosophy

I believe life is in the choices we make at every instant. As your coach, I'm committed to empowering you to make those choices with awareness, aligning them with your aspirations and your goals.

I also believe that we are all leaders—of ourselves first, of our families, of our communities, at our work no matter our position. It’s about how we show up fully.

My method combines a rigorous, science-backed, mind-body approach to human potential that allows leaders to clarify their vision and zero in their time, energy and focus so they can have the impact they seek. We also develop your resilience, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, and communication—essential skills for anyone facing change.

Why Choose Coaching?

When you hit a wall and need to pivot to level up, having a trusted partner to challenge your thinking and support your growth can be invaluable. Coaching provides a confidential space to explore ideas, work through challenges, and develop new perspectives.

Many leaders hesitate to seek support, fearing it shows weakness. In reality, the most successful professionals recognize the value of external insight and continuous learning.

Let's schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss your challenges and how my coaching can help you thrive amidst change.