How do you maintain your energy levels? What do you do to have more energy? If your body cannot create the energy it needs, the brain, which is an energy hog, panics and returns to a primitive state focused on fear, hunger, or procreation. You know the symptoms: forgetfulness, cravings, brain fog, drowsiness, anger, lack of willpower. Here are 3 strategies to keep you showing up full throttle.
Read MoreChronic stress, excessive sitting, not enough sleep, poor food… there’s quite enough cause in our modern lifestyles for concern. Statistics show startling increases in macular degeneration, which leads to blindness, not to mention a full panoply of chronic diseases we hear so much about. And now, studies reveal that our kids have weak bones from not enough activity and crooked teeth from soft food. How is your lifestyle making you weak?
Read MoreWhat signature is your life leaving on your bones? We think of our bones as solid, and yet they are malleable, very much alive and constantly accommodating to stresses in our lives. And now that we’re spending 4 to 5 hours a day hunched over our devices, we’re growing spikes!
Read MoreThe world is complex. Everything is speeding up. Stress is an epidemic. We all know the symptoms: fatigue, anxiety, weight gain, poor sleep, digestive issues, and on and on. What if you could get some distance from the stressors and even reap some benefits? It’s time to understand stress instead of being subjected to it. Use it to become more resilient. Don’t be a victim.
Read MoreSleeping well is both an art and a science. Yet a quarter of the population complain about lack of sleep, and one-third say they suffer from sleep disorders—those statistics come from France, so imagine what it is like elsewhere. Even if you do sleep eight hours a night, is it optimal, uninterrupted, and truly restorative sleep?
Read MoreTime management, sleep, circadian rhythm ... so many key points to optimize to activate your full potential all the time. But how can you do it? I propose the sausage principle.
Read MoreHow do you feel everyday? Exhausted, distracted? Subjected to your life rather than an actor in creating it? Or do you feel present, thoughtful, and dynamic? For the most part, we are somewhere in between. Fortunately, it is possible to sway the balance and spend a whole lot more time in a high-performance zone.
Read MoreWhy would anyone put butter in coffee? In addition to an adventurous streak, it could help to understand how it works.
Read MoreHere is the recipe that changed my life. It's not just the butter.
Read MoreMore energy, less brain fog, and the end of the craving dictatorship—such promises, all from a cup of coffee with a bit of fat. Hard to believe, but so tempting.
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