How exactly does one create optimized daily routines? It’s both an art and a science, completely individualized, and worth experimenting with. If you get them right, you could have tons more energy throughout the day, and get a lot more done.
Read MoreHow do your days start and end? Are you snuggled under the covers moving your finger along the endless scroll of social media, or intentionally priming for the day or night ahead? As creatures of habit, routines serve us well, and there are ways to tweak them to get even more out of your days.
Read MoreDid you know the most powerful biohacks are free? Light, for example. Science is revealing just how many body functions depend on it to start or stop, and the most useful light in the world comes from the sun. It’s like a magic switch that reboots your energy levels if you know how to use it.
Read MoreYou breathe about 23,040 times a day, so why not make the most of it? The action has a direct impact on your energy levels. Read on for a few simple techniques for better brain function, recovery time, and sleep, along with less anxiety and fatigue. It’s the ultimate win-win biohack.
Read MoreStress gets a bad rap. Sure, if it’s chronic, it’ll drag down your health. That said, a boost of short-term stress will immediately narrow your attention and give you a rush of energy. What if we viewed it as a tool, not a burden?
Read MoreHow many of you have hit an age when pulling an all-nighter just doesn’t work anymore? At some point, it dawns on us all that if we want to perform at our best, our lifestyle counts or our energy plummets. I’m not talking about turning into a hermit and adopting ascetic habits. You can tweak your day-to-day to show up with more verve by understanding the nature of cycles.
Read MoreYou need a pile of motivation to actually achieve goals, which explains why only 8% of people do. How can you ensure that your momentum doesn’t sputter out as time goes on? Here are some ways to keep the drive high.
Read MoreIn this crazy, maxed out world, your energy counts. Where is yours going? Are you dolling it out to Facebook or Instagram, or saving it for what matters most—your business, your family, your pet project? How exactly can you manage your energy?
Read MoreI’m not a data freak, but I love the idea of tracking and the devices and apps that go with it. And as a biohacker, I’ve played with my fair share of them. Here are some things I track, my expectations, and the reality of the experience.
Read MoreGoals setting, SMART goals, resolutions—I love them all, but they can be so fruitless in the long term. How many gyms and sports classes fill up in January, only to empty again by March? That’s where intention comes into play. What is it exactly and why should you pay attention? It’s time to put your energy where your mouth is.
Read MoreBiohacking includes personal experimentation, based on the idea that you know best what is best for you. That’s easy to say. Most of us need to learn how to use our instant feedback system, to listen more closely. That’s where tracking fits in. How does it work?
Read MoreInformation rushes at us all day long. It’s as if we were standing in the middle of a stampede. We need truckloads of energy to stay focused. Concentration requires you to sustain your energy in the charge. It helps to understand how your brain works and act accordingly.
Read MoreWe are naturally lazy. And we have evolved for movement. Clearly, we’re highly contradictory beings. How can we get up and move more? And why should we? Read on if you want to be happier and more creative, to think faster and have more energy.
Read MoreIn the age of digital everything, everywhere, companies in some parts of the world, such as France, are at least giving lip service to the idea of disconnecting—France’s labor code includes the right to disconnect. But who really wants to disconnect, anyway? Whatever your choice, there is one function everyone needs to know how to use.
Read MoreIt’s actually easy to be less stupid, less impulsive, less dependent, and more creative and innovative. Stop multitasking.
Read MoreYour brain sucks up 20% of the body’s total energy. If you’ve ever scrambled to find a word or felt like a thick fog was filling the space between your ears, then you know what I’m talking about. So how can you have keep your brain energy high enough for clear thinking when you need it most?
Read MoreHabits, both the good and the bad, drive behavior. As we can create and change them at will (with a little effort), they are a fabulous hack for transformation and change. So, how do you take advantage of good habits and break bad ones?
Read MoreTechnology is breaking down our limits of time and space. An endless flow of information multiplies the complexity of our daily life. So how can we transform overwhelm into a source of something positive? How can we be masters rather than slaves to technology?
Read MoreAs a Certified Human Potential Coach working online worldwide in both French and English, I recently joined the International Coach Federation (ICF). Why? It is one way to keep abreast of best practices and offer the very best to my clients.
Read MoreMetabolic flexibility is a bit of a buzzword in health and wellness circles. With reason. It’s one of those key concepts that can change your life. It changed mine, freeing me from cravings and that “I need to eat now!” imperative that distracted me from things I wanted to do. It also allowed me to indulged a long-standing love of fat, a fabulous ingredient key to enjoying what you eat.
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