The Productive Power of Distractions: Strategies for Busy Leaders

Many of us are infillers. As soon as there is an empty space, we load it with something, anything. And we do so while feeling caught in a whirlpool of obligations and outside demands, fighting off the grasping claws of FOMO (the infamous fear of missing out). Is there some way to find ease with emptiness, to hone the art of doing nothing? Or at least milk our distraction attraction for all it’s worth?

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Shaking Up Your Routine: The Secret to Consistently High Energy Levels

Could balancing the comfort of being in control and the discomfort of letting loose be the trick to having consistently high levels of energy and drive to reach goals? Or to renewing awe and fascination with day-to-day life? In the self-development world there’s a lot of talk about routines, and there’s talk about pushing outside the comfort zone. What’s the deal?

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