Having more energy—and the resulting clearer mind, better decision-making, and improved memory—may seem like a fleeting, hard-to-reach goal only for people with time on their hands. What if it came from focusing on simple pleasures and applying a few principles?
Read MoreMany of us are infillers. As soon as there is an empty space, we load it with something, anything. And we do so while feeling caught in a whirlpool of obligations and outside demands, fighting off the grasping claws of FOMO (the infamous fear of missing out). Is there some way to find ease with emptiness, to hone the art of doing nothing? Or at least milk our distraction attraction for all it’s worth?
Read MoreCould balancing the comfort of being in control and the discomfort of letting loose be the trick to having consistently high levels of energy and drive to reach goals? Or to renewing awe and fascination with day-to-day life? In the self-development world there’s a lot of talk about routines, and there’s talk about pushing outside the comfort zone. What’s the deal?
Read MoreIf you are anything like me, you have zero time to waste and always another behavior to tweak or change. It’s messy. Nothing about long-term behavior change turns out to be simple. There are, however, ways to optimize how you go about it.
Read MoreHigh standards come hand in hand with high achievement. Yes, perfectionism can feed success just as it can bog you down. How can you get the most from your inner fusspot? And then let it go when it’s tripping you up?
Read MoreAny athlete can tell you how performance tanks if she doesn’t recover enough. But what about high-achieving individuals who are constantly on the run, with obligations left and right, high-stress situations back to back, and so much compressed into so little time they barely have time to pee? How can they do recovery without losing their edge?
Read MoreIs there a right way to be productive? Is high performance really about getting things done? Or is it more about taking a deliberate approach to how you do things? What can actually help?
Read MoreIf there were ever a time the world needs people thinking clearly and full of energy, it’s now. Did you know that your brain literally shrinks at as little as 2 to 3% dehydration? That’s enough to shift more attention to water intake, don’t you think?
Read MoreWhat if positivity and kindness were essential survival skills? Particularly in troubled times? Challenges can lead to retreat, solitude and separation, or to coalition, cooperation and even kindness. Which do you choose? Here are a few things worth knowing about positivity and why it is more important than ever to lead with kindness.
Read MoreMeditation and mindfulness are the darlings of peak performance, non-negotiables to add to your daily schedule if you aim to tease the most from your mind. It’s not as hard as it sounds, and the rewards are exponential.
Read MoreWhen a constant mobile dopamine drip (that’s your smartphone) combines with empty calories (i.e., processed food), a majority of time spent indoors, and a disregard for sleep, students today don’t even realize they are not functioning at full capacity. It’s time for schools to step in and get them up to speed.
Read MoreIn today’s upheaval, those on the front lines get out there time and time again because they have to. We need them to. What can we learn from them to up our game?
Read MoreWhat if shelter at home were conducive to creativity? If it were the right time to write that book, or imagine exciting stories to tell your children, or invent a new product or business, or launch that project that’s been on the back burner? Here are a few hacks to amplify your creativity.
Read MoreThe increasing uncertainty and inevitable change everyone faces is bringing our decision-making capacities to the forefront. What are the mechanics of this key cognitive function and how can we do it better?
Read MoreNow that we are all well-versed in video conferencing, online training, Zoom yoga classes, and all the wonders of file transfers, server overloads, and what all that comes with quarantine, I’m wondering how, in this time of change, we can use another, very ancient and highly efficient technology: storytelling.
Read MoreConfined to our homes or not, "move more" is a powerful mantra. Physical activity not only improves overall health, focus, and stress management, it supercharges decision-making, creativity, and memory. What if you used it strategically?
Read MoreWorking from home is pushing us all to be even more dependent on our devices. What can we do so they don’t drive us completely bonkers? Here’s a method you can apply to tech, but also to just about anything else.
Read MoreWith overwhelm being the new normal, so much of what’s important slips into that dark space where there isn’t enough time in the day. There’s regret. There are missed deadlines. We say “yes” when we should say “no.” We say “no” when we want to say “yes.” What if we could hack the yes-no balance?
Read MoreWe all cherish our concentration, memory, and social interactions, and yet our non-stop relationship with our digital devices seems to be impacting these key brain functions. How can we find a balance?
Read MoreIt’s hard to find something that has more impact on our energy levels than the food we eat. Sure, coffee, but that counts as a staple food in my book. Are you optimizing what you eat to stay dialed in all day long?
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