Have you ever wondered why it's so much easier to settle into a yoga class when you do it with other people? Or walked into a room and felt immediately tense? Or avoided one person for another because of how you feel around them? Emotions are contagious. How does it work and why do we need to know about it?
Read MoreThe hard part of any change is not knowing what to do, or even doing it. It's making it last. What if there were a method to help you uplevel continually? Here are some lessons learned.
Read MoreWhat's your relationship to time? Crunched? Dilated? Enemy or friend? And more important, is there any way to come to peace with the one-way flow of time divided into a mere 24 hours a day?
Read MoreAre you fed up with always having to fix yourself? Is Imposter Syndrome your middle name? And self-development your turn-to remedy for anything that doesn’t go the way you want it to? Pause. Breathe. What if the treasure were in who we are, not who we’d like to be? Then all that self-development would be icing on the cake.
Read MoreAmid constant change and upheaval, where can we anchor our hope? How can we find optimism and nourish it? And why should we be doing so intentionally? Read on for some keys on how optimism works.
Read MoreOn an average day, how much of your attention do you own? Are you choosing where your focus is going? Or do you feel the day runs away from you? There’s so much getting in the way. How can we reclaim our attention in a world of sensory overload and non-stop videoconferencing?
Read MoreBased on the science, it’s no wonder Roman philosopher Marcus Tulles Cicero called gratitude the greatest of virtues, the parent of them all. It’s a win-win practice to reduce stress, be happier, and get along better with others. Today, it’s the sweetheart of high performance. So how do you do it?
Read MoreHave you ever been so in flow, so aligned with your strengths, that you didn’t even notice you had alienated your team? Or maybe, you’re exhausted from taking on so much because it’s your strong suit rather than because it’s your job. That’s called the Too Much of a Good Thing Effect—when what is ordinarily beneficial ends up causing harm when taken too far. Could balance come from swaying to the other end of the spectrum?
Read MoreAs pandemic days blur into one another and we progressively lose our sense of time, could we benefit from allowing ourselves more procrastination? The word itself is harsh, filled with judgements of laziness and lack of productivity, effectiveness, follow through. What if we could hack procrastination so it served us? What if permission to procrastinate were all we needed to boost our productivity?
Read MoreWhat if the desire to be right were getting us into trouble? What if that feeling of being right were just that, an emotion, something to consider while not taking fully at face value? All kinds of wrong can happen when we get stuck on being right, and all kinds of solutions can surface when we loosen our grip. Read more about this leadership skill for complex times.
Read MoreThe more the world as we know it seems to fall apart, the more focusing on things we actually can control brings peace of mind. Breathing is one of those daily acts that has a huge impact on stress reduction. So does sighing. Who’d of thought? Can sighing help us keep our balance?
Read MoreHave you ever felt hijacked by your emotions? Tried desperately to manage them, only to find stray anger or frustration bubbling up at the wrong time? With widespread hardship and anxiety on the rise, how much energy are we expending to numb feelings in order to continue to function. I can’t think of a better time to harness the energy of our emotions and integrate it into our thoughts and actions.
Read MoreAs much as self-talk can be useful, how often is it just destructive? How often do we say things to ourselves that we’d never say to anyone else? What if it were possibly to get that inner critic playing on your side?
Read MoreAre you one to toss and turn all night long? Do you dream about sleeping a full night through? Or have you given up and convinced yourself sleep was a waste of time? Who needs it anyway? We need it more than anyone cares to admit. Anyone looking to uplevel in any area must attend to it. Here are some tips.
Read MoreWhat if you didn’t have to change your brain or overcome limiting beliefs to be a highly functioning individual? What if all it took was a change of perspective and an understanding of how your brain works to unleash a whole new wave of creative ideas and stress relief?
Read MoreOptimizing habitual actions can improve overall performance and get us closer to reaching our goals. With a quarter of our waking time spent talking to ourselves (really, it’s true) and quite a bit talking to other people, tweaking our word choices is a perfect place to start leveling up our performance, and improving our communication.
Read MoreI know you’ve felt it: three hours after your last meal, your concentration crashes, grumpiness flares, your hands shake, and all of your being shifts to single-minded focus on what you could eat. What if you didn’t have to face massive dips in your energy and become ravenously hungry throughout the day?
Read MoreThe brain lights up when we listen to a story. It also filters out all our usual daydreaming and extraneous thoughts. And then we feel things as if we were experiencing them for real. Stories are, without a doubt, the best way to get your message across—a fine hack to energize your communication skills.
Read MoreHow can we boost our leadership and team building in a world of social distancing and remote work? Figuring out ways to connect with people has shot up on the priority list. Oxytocin is a key hormone in building the social bond. How can we hack it?
Read MoreWhat’s happening to you with all this remote work? We are social beings, we get stir crazy, and screens are sticky—hard to leave once you sit down and get hooked. How can we stay sane? And motivated, effective and enthusiastic?
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